One of Lord Ganesha’s favourite sweets which is prepared especially for festivals.
Sathya Sai Baba says…
“How does one reduce one’s desires? Eat only to the extent you require. If you serve yourself large portions of food out of selfishness, you will only end up with the sin of wasting food. The wasted food could have easily been served to another person who needed it. Hence, the first principle is “Do not waste food”. Food is God, life is God. It is from food that one gets life which sustains the body and mind.
The gross part of the food taken gets excreted as stool. The molecular part of the food goes to the blood. The subtle part of the food goes to the mind. It can therefore be concluded that man’s mind is shaped by what he eats.
The food that is being consumed today is primarily responsible for the demonic nature of man. There is no compassion, mercy, tolerance and love. Instead hatred, jealousy, attachment and other evil qualities have taken their place. The responsibility for this lies with the food that we eat. Therefore, the food that is partaken should be pure and sacred. Such food fosters good feelings.
The gross part of the water that we drink is excreted as urine. The subtle part is transformed into the spark of life. It is therefore clear that food and water are directly responsible for making a person reach the state of the Divine. It is said that food is God. Hence, if you waste food it amounts to wasting God. Ensure that you eat pure food and in limited quantities only.”