Dolma is a famous stuffed vegetable dish cooked in Azerbaijan, also known as the ‘Three Sisters’.
Sathya Sai Baba says…
“The 17th chapter of the Gita clearly defines the nature and tastes of the three types of food eaten by man: the food that promotes love, virtue, strength, happiness and cordiality is Sathwic; that which inflames, arouses, intoxicates and heightens hunger and thirst is Ragasic; the food that depresses, disrupts and causes disease is Tamasic.
The company with which food is consumed, the place, the vessels in which it is cooked, the emotions that agitate the mind of the person who cooks it and serves it, all these have subtle influences on the nature and emotions of the person who takes the final product in! It is because the sages of India realized this that they laid down many do’s and don’ts for the process of eating.”